Event Archives
2021 Rio Chama Congreso
Climate Justice Lecture
Feb. 10, 4:00 PM
2021 Rio Chama Congreso 3rd Session
Mar. 10, 1:00 PM -
3:00 PM
2021 Rio Chama Congreso Last Session
Mar. 12, 10:00 AM -
12:00 PM
2021 Rio Chama Congreso 2nd Session
Mar. 2, 1:00 PM -
3:00 PM
-Welcome Back Days-
Aug. 23, 10:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Duck Pond
Fall Colloquia Series: Dara Saville
Sep. 10, 3:00 PM -
4:00 PM
Virtual: Zoom & In Person: Mitchell Hall Room 102

Mountain Research Initiative 20th Anniversary Lecture: Toward a definition of Essential Mountain Climate Variables
Sep. 29, 7:00 PM -
8:00 PM

Sep. 17, 6:00 PM -
11:00 PM
National Hispanic Cultural Center

Climate Conversations: Extreme Events
Sep. 15, 1:00 PM -
2:00 PM

World Heritage and Nation States
Sep. 17, 4:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Food Justice Film Festival 2021
Sep. 16, 12:00 AM -
12:00 AM
Teomitotiliztli (Danza Azteca) & the Aztec Calendar
Sep. 22, 12:00 PM -
1:00 PM
Zoom: 966 3559 3693
Crafting a New Water Ethic from the Values of our Better Angels
Sep. 24, 2:00 PM -
4:00 PM
Presented via Zoom
Fall colloquia Series: Paulo Andreas Oemig
Oct. 8, 3:00 PM -
4:00 PM
Harvest Festival at the Botanic Garden
Oct. 2, 10:00 AM -
4:00 PM
The ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden
The 5th Annual Resilience Colloquium
Oct. 12, 9:00 AM -
4:00 PM

New Mexico 2021 Climate Summit
Oct. 25, 8:00 AM -
4:30 PM
New Mexico State Capitol 490 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501

The 7th Annual Silver Soirée
Oct. 1, 7:00 PM -
10:00 PM
Casa Esencia 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87104
Yoga with a View
Oct. 4, 9:00 AM -
10:00 AM
Open Space Visitors Center 6500 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120
Maize Maze
Oct. 23, 12:00 AM -
12:00 AM
Rio Grande Community Farm
Green Waste Event
Oct. 23, 12:00 AM -
12:00 AM
Tijeras Transfer Station

Chaco Camp/Hike/Bike
Oct. 15, 9:00 AM -
9:00 PM
S Mesa Trail, Nageezi, NM 87037, USA

Las Conchas Trail Hike along the Jemez River East Fork
Oct. 15, 9:00 AM -
3:30 PM
Safelite (Sprint) Blvd @ Home Depot, Rio Rancho, NM 87144, USA

Bosque Clean-up
Oct. 16, 8:45 AM -
11:00 AM
Pueblo Montaño Picnic Area and Trailhead, 4100-4112 Montaño Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120, USA

Wilderness First Aid Course
Oct. 23, 8:00 AM -
6:00 PM
Wherry Elementary School 7299 Gibson Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA

Las Conchas Trail Hike along the Jemez River East Fork
Oct. 29, 9:00 AM -
3:00 AM
Safelite (Sprint) Blvd @ Home Depot, Rio Rancho, NM 87144, USA

Multifamily Housing Summit
Oct. 12, 1:00 PM -
12:30 PM
Online Event
Online Talk - Spacetelling: Mapping Across Bodies & History
Oct. 15, 6:00 PM -
7:30 PM
Online Event
Online Talk: Desierto Mountain Time: Connecting the Dots
Oct. 28, 6:00 PM -
7:00 PM
Online Event
Countermapping Opening Reception
Oct. 16, 5:00 PM -
8:00 PM
516 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Counter Mapping
Oct. 16, 6:00 PM -
5:00 PM
516 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Faith Communities Organizing for Climate Action
Oct. 15, 10:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Online Event

Open Space Trail Watch Volunteer Training
Oct. 30, 9:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Open Space Administrative Office | Montessa Park 3512 Los Picaros Rd SE Albuquerque, NM 87105
Dia del Rio
Oct. 16, 8:30 AM -
2:00 PM
Tingley Beach | 1800 Tingley Dr SW Albuquerque, NM 87104

Fall 2021 ABQ NeighborWoods Hodgins/McKinley Planting
Oct. 16, 8:00 AM -
12:00 PM
3535 Princeton Drive NE, STE. 101 Albuquerque, NM 87107
Keep Albuquerque Beautiful Hosts the 3rd Annual Junk Jog
Oct. 23, 8:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Central & Sunset
Herbal Gardening
Oct. 16, 10:00 AM -
1:00 PM
Online Class
Western Herbal Energetics & Constitutions
Nov. 6, 10:00 AM -
1:00 PM
Online Class
Walking Tours of Piedras Marcadas Canyon
Oct. 16, 10:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Petroglyph National Monument

Walking Tours of Piedras Marcadas Canyon
Oct. 17, 10:30 AM -
12:30 PM
Petroglyph National Monument

Traditional Medicinal Plants
Oct. 16, 2:00 PM -
3:30 PM
Open Space Visitor Center
Pottery Demonstration, hands-on activity, & sale
Oct. 16, 12:30 PM -
3:30 PM
Open Space Visitor Center
Bosque Wild! Walk
Oct. 17, 8:00 AM -
10:00 AM
Open Space Visitor Center
Southwestern Indigenous Peoples: Their Culture, Their Languages, & Their Legacy
Oct. 17, 1:00 PM -
2:00 PM
Open Space Visitor Center
Eileen & the In-Betweens (Free Concert)
Oct. 16, 6:00 PM -
8:00 PM
Open Space Visitor Center
350 NM Speaker Series: New Methane Regs
Oct. 25, 6:30 PM -
8:00 PM
Online Event
66th Annual New Mexico Virtual Water Conference
Oct. 26, 9:30 AM -
3:30 PM
Online Event
Webinar: Solve Climate Worldwide Teach-in / 3.30.22 / Engage 1 Million Students
Oct. 27, 1:00 PM -
2:00 PM
Online Event

Fall Colloquia Series: Dave Kaplan
Nov. 5, 3:00 PM -
4:00 PM
Fall Colloquia Series: Park Williams
Nov. 19, 3:00 PM -
4:00 PM
In Person: SMLC 102 | Virtual: Zoom

2021 VIRTUAL Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum
Nov. 3, 8:00 AM -
5:00 PM
Online Event
Pac-12 Team Green Virtual Event Series: Amplifying Voices for Change
Nov. 1, 1:00 PM -
1:00 PM
Online Event
CSU Spur Water in the West Symposium
Nov. 3, 1:00 PM -
12:00 PM
Online Event
Beyond Fordlandia: Film Screening and Conversation with Director Marcos Colón
Nov. 2, 2:00 PM -
4:00 PM
Online Event
Webinar: Data-Driven Campus Energy Management: the ENERGY STAR Higher Education Benchmarking Initiative
Nov. 3, 1:00 PM -
2:00 PM
Online Event

Webinar: Climate Solutions 101: Curricula That Inform Conversations & Inspire Action on Climate Solutions
Nov. 10, 1:00 PM -
2:00 PM
Online Event

Workshop: Just Sustainability: Curious Conversations About Equity and Sustainability
Nov. 17, 2:00 PM -
3:00 PM
Online Event

Nov. 18, 10:00 AM -
1:30 PM
Online Event
Nov. 8, 12:00 PM -
1:30 PM
Online Event
Park Williams Speaker Reception
Nov. 19, 4:15 PM -
7:15 PM
University Club
Defend Voting Rights Public Protest
Nov. 18, 5:30 PM -
6:30 PM
I-25/Jefferson Overpass
Bard Graduate Programs in Sustainability - Nov 2021 Virtual Open House
Nov. 10, 5:00 PM -
6:30 PM
Online Event
Winds of Change: Off-Shore Energy Production and the Social Sciences.
Nov. 11, 10:00 AM -
11:00 AM
Online Event
Rethinking Energy, the Economy, and Governance
Nov. 18, 10:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Online Event
Unique Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S.
Nov. 17, 7:00 PM -
8:30 PM
Online Event
Food For Thought: an Interactive exhibit about food insecurity
Nov. 10, 12:00 AM -
12:00 AM
Zimmerman First Floor Lobby
Native Health Initiative to hold sixth annual Gratitude Run
Nov. 25, 9:00 AM -
11:00 AM
North Domingo Baca Park
Urban Ecosystem Justice: Strategies for Equitable Sustainability and Ecological Literacy in the City
Nov. 17, 4:30 AM -
5:30 AM
Online Event

Feedback | LAAW Exhibition
Nov. 29, 9:00 AM -
4:30 PM
John Sommers Gallery, University of New Mexico, Art Building #84
Fall Colloquia Series: Kathy Hanley
Dec. 10, 3:00 PM -
4:00 PM
In Person: Bandelier East Room 105 | Virtual: Zoom
C2C Fellows Sustainability Leadership Training
Dec. 4, 7:00 AM -
3:00 PM
Online Event
Author Conversation: Picture Ecology
Dec. 9, 3:30 PM -
5:00 PM
Online Event
NMELC presents its EJ Series featuring YUCCA
Dec. 2, 5:30 PM -
7:00 PM
Online Event
Rio Grande Community Farm Tamale Workshop
Dec. 4, 5:00 PM -
8:00 PM
Sacred Heart Church 309 Stover Ave SW, ABQ, NM 87102
Mandala Festival
Dec. 18, 11:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Albuquerque Open Space Visitor Center
Building a Career in Sustainability: Advice from Social Entrepreneurs
Dec. 8, 4:30 PM -
5:30 PM
Online Event
BYOM for vegan hot chocolate!
Dec. 9, 9:00 AM -
11:00 AM
Outside Bandelier Hall East | UNM Campus

Revealing the Truth About the World’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Dec. 10, 10:00 AM -
11:00 AM
Online Event