CSU Spur Water in the West Symposium

November 3, 2021 1:00 PM -
November 4, 2021 12:00 PM
Online Event
The fourth annual CSU Spur Water in the West Symposium will focus on solutions as scale – from the local level to the international level.
About this event
The symposium will be fully virtual. Local attendees have the option to take an in-person tour from 9:30-11 a.m. on Nov. 3.
Choose from two optional tours on the morning of Nov. 3:
- CSU Spur: CSU Spur is under construction and will open as a free public educational destination starting in January 2022. CSU Spur has three buildings focused on research and experiential education related to animal and human health, water, and food and agriculture. Long pants and sturdy, close-toed shoes are required for this tour.
- Metro Water Recovery: Metro Water Recovery reclaims so much more than water through the treatment process for more than two million people plus businesses and industries in the Denver Metro area. As a resource recovery facility, Metro Water Recovery helps return valuable nutrients to the land, produces green energy, feeds a reuse treatment plant, and helps provide a sustainable means of heating homes and businesses. This tour will focus on the treatment process technologies used to recover valuable resources while also producing high quality effluent. Close-toed shoes are required for this tour.
The Water in the West Symposium is an offering of CSU Spur — the future CSU System campus at the National Western Center. For more information on CSU Spur, visit csuspur.org.