Applicable Justice Domains
Brian Kendall's Capstone project is centered around the idea to prompt researchers to assess how regionality and history play into the justice implications of their work.

Grounded by restorative and environmental justice concepts, six new quantifiable metrics were created, intended to prompt researchers to assess how regionality and history play into the justice implications of their work. These supplementary six metrics were created to accompany the original Justice Underpinning Science and Technology Research (JUST-R) Metrics Framework, with both being assessed in two case studies that took place within the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico (UNM).
Deliverables include: the final version of the conference paper created for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM), two completed case study implementation packets that were specifically tailored to the current study, and an MS PowerPoint presentation that was used as a visual aid when speaking at the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC).