November 8, 2021 12:00 PM -
November 8, 2021 1:30 PM
Online Event
Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) is proud to present the next episode in their series, Kōrerorero: Conversations That Matter. In association with The Chronicle of Higher Education, please join ENZ as they host Indigenous Education Solutions to Global Challenges: International Education and Developing Indigenous Women’s Leadership. In this session, a panel of Indigenous women leaders from New Zealand, the US, and Chile will have a conversation about the importance of Indigenous women’s leadership and the role international education opportunities can play in helping solve some of the worlds greatest challenges. The panel will have a guided conversation and reflect on topics such as:
- What is the greatest challenge facing the women of your communities today?
- What are the benefits of international education experiences for your communities?
- What are the best practices for engaging with your communities around international education opportunities?
- How can international education benefit indigenous women?
- What can indigenous women from your communities teach the world in terms of leadership?