SUST Student Roundtable

January 26, 2024 11:00 AM -
January 26, 2024 12:30 PM
Bandelier Hall East
Join Us! SUST Vision Roundtable Discussion!
We began this process last May with the 16 SUST students who went to Brazil for the field study course. We sat in a circle and shared our visions for SSP. It was extraordinary how our individual visions and dreams quickly became entangled to begin to develop wider collective visions.
A key vision that came out was to develop a real student space - where SUST students could come together between classes, drink coffee, study, and develop projects together. And I am happy to announce that we have identified a potential space!
We then held a vision roundable process in the Fall, with SUST students coming together from around campus. Some amazing shared visions have begun to emerge.
We will now continue the vision roundtable process on a monthly basis beginning this coming Friday! All past, present and future SUST students are invited to come together to be agents in developing the future of SUST as a key node for sustainability in New Mexico.
What would a program look like where student voice, projects and vision were a core dimension for action, advocacy and knowledge creation?
Please email Andreas Hernandez to RSVP. This will help us get the right amount of pizza! But please come even if you do not RSVP!