Dia del Rio

October 15, 2022 8:30 AM -
October 15, 2022 12:00 PM
The Albuquerque Bosque
The Open Space Division invites you to a day of service to help protect and nurture the bosque and river. There will be activities appropriate for all ages and a prize for the weirdest piece of trash!
Projects will include trash cleanup, trail maintenance, new trail construction and native shrub planting. Volunteers should arrive at 8:30AM to register and enjoy donated morning snacks. Please carpool if possible. Bring gloves, sun protection, and plenty of water.
Volunteers should create an account and register for the event at play.cabq.gov, or contact Dionne Epps at depps@cabq.gov or 768-4960.
Do you have a favorite area of the bosque you'd like to clean up during Dia del Rio? Organize your own clean-up and Open Space will provide trash bags and haul away the trash! Call Dionne Epps at (505)768-4960 to sign up.