UNM2040 Launch

May 6, 2022 12:00 PM -
May 6, 2022 1:30 PM
SUB Ballrooms B &C
"Since beginning the UNM 2040: Opportunity Defined planning process, I have been inspired by your enthusiasm and engagement, as we have imagined how to apply our shared vision, values and goals to our own scholarship, research operations and Lobo way of life. We are now ready to launch the plan and dig into the work, and your ongoing participation and commitment are needed more than ever. The kick-off event will be on May 6, from 12 noon – 1:30 pm in SUB Ballrooms B &C, and refreshments will be provided. I will be introducing our goal champions and asking for your interactive participation. For those who can attend in person, the event will be live-streamed and posted to social media - those tuning in remotely will also be offered ways to engage. UNM 2040 represents a true campus-wide collaboration, and I am eager to move into the implementation phase as we make our goals a reality. Please join me and come ready to fully explore how each Lobo can contribute to the goals we have set for ourselves."
- President Garnett S. Stokes
You can find more information on the UNM 2040 Opportunity Defined plan at https://opportunity.unm.edu/.