Cover Crop Seeding Field Day in the Village of Los Ranchos

May 14, 2022 8:30 AM -
May 14, 2022 2:00 PM
Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque | Larry P. Abraham Agri-Nature Center, 4920 Rio Grande Blvd. N.W.
Join us on Saturday May 14, 2022 –the weekend celebrating San Isidro, guardian saint of agrarians– to start our first cover crop seed production trials. We’ll be hand broadcasting a multi-species cover crop mix in the hoop house at Los Poblanos Historic Farm and see Rio Grande Community Farm’s no-till drill in action at a neighboring 1.5 acre field that was generously dedicated to this unique purpose. We’ll set up single and mixed species plantings in order to assess ease of seed harvest versus soil benefits. Local Soil Health Champions and members of the AgriFutures Regenerative Agriculture team will be on hand to talk about seed saving and the use of cover crops to improve soil health. Participants may take some seeds to try at home: sunflowers, daikon, rutabaga, beans, field peas, clover, buckwheat, and oats. After this hands-on and educational portion of the day, there will be socializing over a delicious lunch at the Agri-Nature Center, prepared by Cleo’s Blue Corn Kitchen and sponsored by the Seeding Regenerative Agriculture project.
When: Saturday May 14, 2022 8:30am – 2pm MT
8:30am – 10:00am Hand broadcasting cover crops in the hoop house at Los Poblanos Historic Farm.
–Walk together to the second location at a neighboring farm (10 minute walk)–
10:00am – noon No-till drill demo and hand broadcasting cover crops on a larger scale.
–Walk together back to the Agri-Nature Center (10 minute walk)–
Noon – 2pm Lunch at the Agri-Nature Center.
Where: Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
Meet at 8:30am in front of the hoop house at Los Poblanos Historic Farm, across the street from the Agri-Nature Center.
Parking at the Larry P. Abraham Agri-Nature Center, 4920 Rio Grande Blvd. N.W., Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.
What: Cover Crop Seeding Field Day
Bring water and sun protection. Wear work clothes and sturdy shoes.
This event is hosted in partnership among the AgriFutures project at the Agri-Nature Center, NM Healthy Soil Working Group, and the Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project.