Conversations About Soil Health: Journey to Soil Health by Ray Archuleta

March 25, 2022 5:30 PM -
March 25, 2022 7:30 PM
Genesis Gardens Homestead, 3030 N. Rock Island Street, Tucumcari, NM
A grassroots effort to encourage ranchers, farmers and other soil-conscious folk in the Tucumcari, New Mexico area to talk to each other about healthy soil. This month: Ray Archuleta, co-founder of the Soil Health Academy, co-owner of Understanding Ag, LLC, and Soil Health Specialist at the NRCS for 32 years, spoke at the AgEmerge 2021 conference about his journey to soil health. We’ll come along for the ride!
Meet and eat* at Darrell and Sally Baker’s newest greenhouse! Be sure to check out their on-farm store!*$10 donation appreciated for optional meal. Enjoy chili, cornbread, salad, and dessert.
→ RSVP: By March 23 to Marie Nava or call 303-834-0876