Home Composting Basics

February 19, 2022 10:00 AM -
February 19, 2022 12:00 PM
Open Space Visitor Center | 6500 Coors Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120
Home Composting Basics: Home composting is recycling that produces a useful soil conditioner. Basic composting science will be presented with a special focus on useful practices for a high desert climate. A variety of home composting options will be covered. Useful take-home information will help a participant get started and / or improve an already chosen composting method. Prior to the class it may be useful to read our brochures: (1) Composting in the Desert, and (2) Selecting a Method that Works for You.
The class will begin with a presentation in the conference room, then move outdoors, weather permitting, for demonstration of a variety of composting setups.
Instructor: John Zarola
Presented by the BernCo. Extension Master Composters. NMSU: Bernalillo County Master Composters: Classes/Activities for the Public
Must Register for this workshop.
NOTE: Space is limited based on current COVID mandates.
Register for this workshop by emailing: register@nmcomposters.org