Thoughts on the Rio Grande in Photographs and Haiku

January 21, 2022 9:00 AM -
April 11, 2022 5:00 PM
Open Space Visitor Center | 6500 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120
Artist: Clarke Condé
Clarke Condé is a photographer who believes the process of thinking in haiku guides his lens towards a vision of nature that is more ordered and reflective than it would be with a camera alone. A professional photographer for over 30 years, Condé has published and shown his photographs widely, as well as his haiku, but rarely together. He lives in Albuquerque.
Find more of his work at
This series explores the great river and its surroundings as it passes through an ever-expanding city of Albuquerque, where the needs of its people compete with the needs of the plants and animals that rely on its waters for life itself.
The Rio Grande
Developed beyond pristine
Pristine beyond use
Through photographs bound to haiku, we immerse ourselves in the river as it passes through, leaving us with its past as we give it our future. This is not a critical look; no one is shamed, rather we simply take a moment to reflect on where we are in this place.