Climate Solutions 101: Curricula That Inform Conversations & Inspire Action on Climate Solutions

January 12, 2022 1:00 PM -
January 12, 2022 2:00 PM
Online Webinar
Project Drawdown and the Solutions Journalism Network are partnering to offer a webinar for AASHE educators and staff who want to shift the conversation about climate change away from gloom and doom and toward solutions and inspire their students to take action. Participants will be introduced to Project Drawdown’s new Climate Solutions 101 video series and Solutions Journalism Network (SJN)’s Climate Solutions Collections that together are poised to become go-to resources for education about climate solutions. Two former educators now working at the intersection of climate solutions communication and education will present this material along with a sustainability leader and educator at an AASHE member institution who uses SJN’s Climate Solutions and UN Global Goals Story Collections in her teaching, and who will be integrating Climate Solutions 101 into her courses.
This webinar will introduce participants to the content and purpose of Climate Solutions 101, a six-part video series that presents the science and inspiration behind the safest, fastest, and most equitable climate solutions available today. The videos deliver a straightforward and compelling message: we have the knowledge and resources we need to avert a catastrophic climate crisis; what’s needed now is the will and determination to implement the solutions. Educators teaching first-year or introductory environmental or sustainability courses may want to include the entire series in their courses, but each video can also be viewed individually. This makes them particularly attractive to instructors across disciplines, from the sciences to the humanities, who are seeking to incorporate elements of sustainability and climate solutions into their teaching. Units five and six, which explore specific solutions and what is required to implement them, also contain crucial learnings for advanced undergraduate or graduate students. Each unit — and especially the latter units — pairs perfectly with in-depth, solutions news stories on what individuals, communities, nonprofit organizations, businesses and policymakers are already doing to implement solutions. Participants will be introduced to SJN’s curriculum guide with sample assignments and tips for using solutions news stories and story collections with Climate Solutions 101, and they will have the opportunity to practice identifying a climate solutions story or collection that aligns with their discipline using SJN’s Solutions Story Tracker. Finally, participants will learn how to infuse a dose of media literacy into any course by bringing a climate solutions journalist to class through SJN’s Journalist in the Classroom program.